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The Bess Choice! Parenting U.

Workshops for Parents

In today's world, parents of young children have an awesome job coupled with a huge responsibility.  The stress of everyday life in conjunction with the speed of familial, social, and media changes can be quite discombobulating.  Add to the equation the major as well as minute daily changes that accompany the growth and development of children and one can simply become overwhelmed.  That's when it is a great idea to reach out to others who might have answers to the questions that inevitably arise within the young family. 


That's why The Bess Choice! Parenting U. has created education programs to support today's families.  The many questions about typical early childhood development, family dynamics, effective communication, positive discipline and guidance, social and emotional support, the parent(s) - child(ren) relationships, coping with stress, and other equally important queries can make our days seem harder and harder to manage.


When parents gather together to learn, or when an Early Care and Learning Program hosts a Parent Education Event, featuring Cindy Rzasa Bess, the picture on the puzzle becomes clear.  Discovering the helpful information that comes with understanding child development and family dynamics can really impact a family for the better.  After all, your baby didn't come with a manual, right? So, do the next best thing and learn from someone who knows, and delights in discussing the varied facts related to the teeny people in your lives.









Educational Programs include:



Understanding your Child:

When Expectations Get the Best of Us!

Temperament and Individual Differences- My Child is SO….

Making Sense of your Child’s Emotions

Vulnerability in Young Children versus Resilience

Supporting Independence and Preparing Them for a Lifetime


The Role of Parent:

Creating a Positive Parenting Partnership- Parenting on the Same Page

Helicopter Parents to Snowplow Parents

Tough Dads/Soft Moms – Tough Moms/Soft Dads

Stress in Mothers – Stress in Children

Respectful Parenting Works! (The Impact of Parenting Styles on a Child)

Spoiling vs. Comforting - The Gratification Trap







The Family:


Parenting Today- With Help from your Parents from Yesteryear

Family Peers- The Role of the Sibling in Preparing for the Larger Social World

Preparing a Sibling for “the NEW baby”

Promoting Closeness between Siblings

Sibling Rivalry Competition and Aggression





Positive Guidance and Discipline:

Discipline and Setting Limits- What should I do? 

Setting the Limits -- Setting the Tone

My Actions have Consequences: Learning to Think Through Behaviors in Advance

Winning a Child’s Cooperation: Win- Win for All!







Effective Communication:

How to Speak with a Child – The Importance of Effective Dialogue and Communication

Raising our Future Leaders- Instilling Character at an Early Age


The Benevolent Home:

Creating an Optimal Home Environment


Fostering Self- Confidence and a Sense of Personal Worth in Children

The Importance of a Nurturing Environment- For Yourself and Your Children

"Potty Training" – A Reasonable Approach


The School Environment: 

Creating Positive Parent-Teacher Partnerships within the School

Speech and Language Development

The Importance of Play and Imagination

School Issues for Young Children

Attachment, Separation and Trust

Learning Styles

Kindergarten Readiness

Relationships and Preschoolers

The Big Social World:

Spare the Screen -- Save the child





Stress and Coping:

Coping- When the Stress Hits the Parental Fan!

Surviving Separation and Transitions

The Role of Societal Violence and its Affect on a Child’s Sense of Self

Stress in Children: How Pressure to Perform and Excel in Childhood Impacts Development

Children’s Comprehension of Death and Loss 

Understanding Grief Reactions and the Importance of Social Support

Talking to our Children during Stressful Times

Negative Emotions in Young Children – Fear, Anger and Guilt

I Need Support! Coping Effectively with Childhood Stress and Fears




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