The Bess Choice! Learning with U.
Workshops for Educarers
The Bess Choice! Learning with U.
Workshops for Educarers

Very young children are in constant need of love, affection, and quality care, every hour of every day. They are unique little people, who change immensely over this initial two year period. That is why the more an educarer knows about this developmental period, the better the care that he or she provides can be. Information and knowledge, a deep appreciation of very young children, and sensitivity to the infant's and/or toddler's needs will enable quality care.
All workshops can be tailored to a program's needs. The length of seminars and/or workshops can range from ninety-minutes to two-hours in length, with a question and answer period built in. The fee for any of the program's listed below, is $475.00 for ninety-minutes and $575.00 for two hours.
(Since very young children are tiny, the list of workshops is somewhat small, as well.)
Ca​ring for the Very Young Child:
Ca​ring for the Very Young Child:
• Expectations – Birth to Two Years
• Infancy- The Miracle Year
• Toddlerhood- ME in MY Little World
• The Importance of a Nurturing Environment: Compassion and Care
• Building Bridges with Parents of Infants and Toddlers
• Attachment Issues in Very Young Children
• Creating a Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers – Let’s Have Fun!
• Surviving Separation and Transitions
• Look Who Is Talking! – Early Language
• Classroom and Age Transitions- Getting Ready for Change
• Managing Strong Emotions in Young Children